Cyber Security & Dot Net Security

Monday, September 27, 2010

ASP.NET Topics: Simple Data Entry

One of the most regular operations you will perform on a web application is 
to allow visitors to create and submit records to you. On the server side, you 
can use a database that stores the records. On the browser side, you can 
create a web page that the visitors will use. Web applications are not 
exclusively used for the Internet anymore. You can create an application for a
 company but instead of making it a traditional Windows program, you can
 create a web-based application but only for internal (intranet) use. In this
case also, the employees will use a web page to create and submit 
records that would be stored on the server.

In this introduction, we will see a simple (probably the simplest) way to create a record, using a simple
SQL statement.
  1. Microsoft SQL Server (Start -> (All) Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ->     
  2. SQL Server Management Studio and click Connect to connect to the database)
  3. On the main menu, click File -> New ->Query With Current Connection
  4. To create a database and a table, type the following statement:

    IF DB_ID (N'people1') IS NOT NULL
    DROP DATABASE people1;
    CREATE DATABASE people1;
    Use People1;
    CREATE Table Persons(
    FirstName varchar(20),
    LastName varchar(20) NOT NULL);
  5. To execute the statement, press F5
  6. Start Microsoft Visual Studio or Microsoft Visual C#
  7. To create a web site, on the main menu, click File -> New -> Web Site...
  8. Change the name of the web site to persons1 and set the language to Visual C#
  9. Click OK
  10. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Default.aspx and click Rename
  11. Change the name to index.aspx and press Enter
  12. To create a new web page, on the main menu, click Website -> Add New Item...
  13. In the Templates, make sure Web Form is selected. Change the name to persons.
    Make sure the language is set to Visual C# and click Add
  14. In the bottom section of the code editor, click Design
  15. From the Data section of the Toolbox, drag SqlDataSource and drop it on the form
  16. Click Configure Data Source
  17. In the Configure Data Source wizard, click New Connection
  18. Select the name of the server in the Server Name combo box
  19. In the Select Or Enter A Database Name combo box, select people1
  20. Click Test Connection

    Add Connection
  21. Click OK and OK
  22. In the first page of the Configure Data Source wizard, click Next
  23. In the second page of the wizard, change the name of the connection string to cstPeople and click Next
  24. Make sure the Specify Columns From A Table Or View radio button is selected.
    Make sure Persons is selected in the Name combo box box.
    In the Columns list box, click the * check box

    Configure Data Source
  25. Click Next and click Finish
  26. In the form, click below the data source and type List of People
  27. From the Data section of the Toolbox, drag GridView and drop it on the form below the List of People
  28. titleWhile the data grid is still selected on the form, in the Properties window, set its DataSourceID to
  1. SqlDataSource1
  2. Click Source and change the file as follows:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" 
             Inherits="persons" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    <html xmlns="" >
    <head runat="server">
        <form id="frmPersons" runat="server">
            <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" 
                        ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:cstPeople %>"
                               SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Persons]">
            <h1>List of People</h1>
            <asp:GridView ID="GridView1"
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="PersonID" 
                                    SortExpression="PersonID" />
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="FirstName" 
                                    SortExpression="FirstName" />
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="LastName" 
                                    SortExpression="LastName" />
            <a href="index.aspx">Home</a>
  3. Save the file
Preparing the Application
Before performing data entry, you must get a connection to the database server, which you can do
 by creating or using a SqlConnection object.
Probably the simplest way to perform data entry in ADO.NET is by using the
INSERT INTO TABLE statement. After creating the statement, you can pass it to a command.
Once the command is ready, you can execute it.
Practical Learning Practical Learning: Performng Data Entry
  1. To create a new web page, on the main menu, click Website -> Add New Item...
  2. In the Templates, make sure Web Form is selected. Change the name to newperson.
    Make sure the language is set to Visual C# and click Add
  3. In the bottom section of the code editor, click Design
  4. Design the form as follows:

    Web Form Design
    Control Text (ID)
    Label First Name:
    TextBox txtFirstName
    Label Last Name:
    TextBox txtLastName
    Button Create btnNewPerson
  5. In the bottom section, click Source and change the file as follows (you don't have to do 
  6. any of these things, it would not affect your exercise, it will only make the form look good):

    <%@ Page Language="C#"
             Inherits="newperson" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    <html xmlns="" >
    <head runat="server">
        <title>People - New Person</title>
        <form id="frmNewPerson" runat="server" method="get">
            <h1>People - New Person</h1>
                    <td style="width: 100px">
                        <asp:Label ID="Label1" 
                                   Text="First Name:" 
                    <td style="width: 84px">
                        <asp:TextBox ID="txtFirstName" 
                    <td style="width: 100px">
                        <asp:Label ID="Label2" 
                                   Text="Last Name:">
                    <td style="width: 84px">
                        <asp:TextBox ID="txtLastName" 
                    <td style="width: 100px">
                    <td style="width: 84px">
                        <asp:Button ID="btnCreate"
                                    Text="Create Person" /></td>
            <a href="index.aspx">Home</a>
  7. In the bottom section of the code editor, click Design
  8. On the form, double-click Create and implement its event as follows:

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.OleDb;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Security;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    public partial class newperson : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        protected void btnNewPerson_Click(object sender,
                                          EventArgs e)
            OleDbConnection cnnPerson = 
                new OleDbConnection(
                      "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=" +
                string strStatement = "INSERT INTO Persons(FirstName, " +
                                                     "LastName) VALUES('" +
                                                      txtFirstName.Text +
                                                     "', '" +
                                                      txtLastName.Text + "');";
                OleDbCommand cmdPerson = 
       new OleDbCommand(strStatement, cnnPerson);
                txtFirstName.Text = "";
                txtLastName.Text = "";
  9. Click the index.aspx tab to access its file
  10. In the bottom section of the code editor, click Source is necessary and change the file as follows:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" 
             Inherits="_Default" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns="" >
    <head runat="server">
    <p><a href="persons.aspx">List of People</a></p>
    <p><a href="newperson.aspx">New Person</a></p>
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
  11. To execute the application, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
  12. Click New Person and create a new people before returning to the home page, then click the 
  13. List of People link

    Browser Preview
  14. Close the browser and the application

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