Cyber Security & Dot Net Security

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why Security Can Bring You More Clients

It is an alarming fact that some businesses settle for the minimum when it comes to securing their systems. There are many ways that someone can hack into a computer system, but not every business person seems to realise this.
For many businesses, their way of coping with this aspect of safety is to assume they are safe until they discover otherwise. Unfortunately when that happens it is often too late to prevent the amount of damage it can do to the business in question.
This is where the issue of security is often not looked at in great depth. For example, someone who hasn’t done their research might think that the way to cope with a security breach is to get an expert in to solve it. This means that things can get back to normal as soon as possible.
That may be correct in principle, but in fact it does not even begin to cover the damage that has been done. Just imagine the amount of business that could have been lost in the meantime. How many customers are now doing business elsewhere because of the short-sighted approach to cyber security?
This is the main reason why you can actually benefit from taking good care of your security issues. The more you can reassure your customers that every potential problem is being combated, the more you will do business as a result. Your clients will take security very seriously, and if you cannot reassure them that you take it seriously too, they will go elsewhere.

Some companies use the best internet security consultants around to give them reason to promote this side of their business. Let’s say there are two companies that are virtually identical, and one offers better security protection for online transactions than the other one does. Which one do you think will get the most business? And if that one chooses to highlight the effort they put into their security, won’t that tip the balance towards more orders?
You can see why security is such a big issue for many companies – even if some don’t realise it. It is the degree of reassurance that it gives a person that really makes the difference. Someone who is considering whether or not to use a particular company can be swayed by that detail alone.
So how much attention do you pay to the security of your own company? Do you have an experienced company on board to check out how secure your systems are on a regular basis? If you don’t, you need to ask yourself why. How much do you value your livelihood? It could be on the line if you don’t take security seriously enough.
If you know you are lacking in this area, make a pact to do something about it now. Review your procedures, call in the experts and make sure you are doing everything you can. It is always best to cover all your bases in this way.

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